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08 May 2015

Work Placement By Jasmin Lancaster

Having known and visited Forty Hall since I was a child, I was eager to experience what went on behind the scenes. I am also greatly interested by Forty Hall’s beautiful gardens, architecture and creative events, so wanted to be a part of it. I was hoping that my time at Forty Hall would help me become more confident and be able to work better with others, and I was not disappointed. Acquiring a placement was very straightforward and no interview was required. I received a very warm welcome from the staff, which made settling in very easy.

Over the two weeks I received a wide variety of tasks to complete, each one teaching me a new important skill. On My first day I was given a tour around the estate and I learnt many amazing facts about its history and was charmed by its fascinating interior. One of my first tasks was to help set up an exhibition in the long gallery, which is harder than it looks. Each painting had to be dealt with care and measured perfectly in order for it to hang straight. I found this a very useful skill and enjoyed helping out as I have very keen interest in art and design. In my time here I also completed several other tasks, such as greeting visitors, completing spreadsheets, scanning and helping out with upcoming events.

My time at Forty Hall has been very educational and I have been able to improve my communication skills with both staff and the public. Overall I have thoroughly enjoyed my work experience at Forty Hall and will definitely volunteer in the future. I would also like to thank all the staff for their kindness and I recommend Forty Hall to anyone looking for a work experience placement.

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